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EURO Statement on European Observatory on health systems and policies
Making the most of our data: Approaches to data linkage for evidence-informed health policy
Anna Sagan, European Observatory on Health Systems and Policies, OMS
NAO Lecture Series: Health and community- The last 100 years between “West” and “East” in Europe
European health workforce and the digital skills gap: what is the EU's role in closing the divide?
How can we rebuild resilient health systems for Europe?
Accelerating primary health care transformation with evidence (WHA side event)
Collaborating for health workforce excellence - Investing in Europe’s health professionals
How far have we come in strengthening health system resilience in Europe?
Learning from Health Systems Analysis: the Health System in Spain
Plenary session by Observatory, European Commission at the 15th European Public Health Conference
Strengthening the EU response to prevention and control of Antimicrobial Resistance (AMR)